My work is an attempt to document, in a very honest way, feelings or emotions that are experienced from a life devoted to solitude and
introspection. The use of self-imagery in many of my pieces helps to further reinforce this idea. The closely cropped format serves to
eliminate all areas surrounding the figure, giving greater attention and emphasis to a particular gaze or body gesture which expresses these emotions most clearly.
Individuals who are chosen for portraits are selected on the basis of specific personality characteristics that they posses, which I either admire greatly, find very beautiful, identify with in some way, or look for within myself. In this way they can be looked at as self portraits. It is also an attempt to break down defensive walls that most people carry with them in order to protect themselves from being hurt. I try to move past this barrier, if only for a moment, and find something very honest and sometimes vulnerable in the sitter, where composure is lost and true feelings are able to surface.
The series entitled “Cycles” is an attempt to step outside of this state of isolation into that of interpersonal relationships. It mainly
deals with how idealized preconceptions about relationships, and patterns of behavior (formed from a life devoted to solitude) may effect
the ability to fully connect with another person.
M.F.A 2006 Painting New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
B.F.A 2004 Illustration School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2017 "Palette 2"
Abend Gallery
Denver, CO
2017 "Sextet"
Limner Gallery
Hudson, NY
2017 "Emerging Artists"
Limner Gallery
Hudson, NY
2017 "Small Works 2017"
Shirt Factory Gallery
Glens Falls, NY
2016 "Facie: Self Portraiture Interpreted by 25 Artists"
Galerie Protege
New York, NY
2016 "The Nude Figure: A Juried Exhibition"
Wayne Art Center
Wayne, PA
2016 "Borders"
Starr Street Gallery
Brooklyn, NY
2011 "Can't Hear The Revolution"
Galapagos Art Space
New York, NY
2010 "Teamwork
Allan Nederpelt Gallery
Brooklyn, NY
2007 "Small Works"
Arcadia Fine Art Gallery
New York, NY
2007 "Miami Art Fair"
Represented by Arcadia Fine Art Gallery
Miami, FL
2006 "Small Works"
Arcadia Fine Art Gallery
New York, NY
2006 "Ruminate: drawing under scrutiny"
Medialia Gallery
New York, NY
2006 "Graduate Exhibition"
New York Academy Main Gallery
New York, NY
2005 "Take Home a Nude"
Phillips De Pury Gallery
New York, NY
2005 "Society of Illustrators: Student Exhibition"
Society of Illustrators Gallery
New York, NY
2004 "American Gothic"
P.P.O.W Gallery
New York, NY
2002 "Drawing Around"
Maryland Institute of Art (fox building gallery)
Baltimore, MD
2017 Emerging Artists "Portrait Award" (Shirt Factory Gallery)
2016 American Art Award: "Self-Portrait" Category (3rd Place)
2016 American Art Award: "Art Brut" Category (2nd Place)
2005 Prince of Wales Scholarship: Traveling grant to Normandy, France
2005 New York Academy of Art Faculty Scholarship
2004 New York Academy of Art Faculty Scholarship
2004 School of Visual Arts Alumni Scholarship
2001 School of Visual Arts Presidential Grant
2000 School of Visual Arts Faculty Scholarship